We operate out of the belief that we are called to live in community and work together across diversity for the common good...


Who we are

The Naperville Interfaith Leaders Association (NILA) is a group of religious leaders from a variety of religious traditions in the Naperville area including: Protestant and Catholic Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Baha’i, Hindu, Buddhist, and Humanist.    The Association is committed to developing relationships with religious leaders in our community, to learning about other religious traditions, to meet community leaders who relate to religious organizations, to creating an atmosphere of understanding and respect for one another, and to working together on common concerns. NILA meets monthly at 11:30 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month from September to May with the exception of December.  For more information, please contact the NILA President, Rev. Lynn Pries at President@NapervilleInterfaith.org.

We operate out of the belief that we are called to live in community and work together across diversity for the common good.  As part of civil society, we are non-sectarian, non-denominational and non-partisan.  That is, we strive to be inclusive of all the religions in our community.
We believe that our entire community benefits when all of its people understand the value of religious, ethnic and cultural diversity and work for the well-being of all.

NILA is not a new organization.  It started in the 1980s as the Naperville Ministerium.  It changed its name in 2003 to reflect the growing diversity of its membership and to encourage congregations of all religions to join.

My religion requires me to be in the world.
God commands to do justice. I consider it my religious duty.
— Ahmed Qadeer